It's not. Every year, I think about gaming the system. Should I pick a few 200-page light reads? Gravitate towards the authors I know I can burn through quickly? Or should I just admit that no matter what I do, my boss will find a way to keep me chained to my desk so I won't read book #10 until at least President's Day.
This year, it's worse. I bought books in late December, as I usually do, but it's not the glossy paperbacks I see through shop windows or the Daedalus catalog tempting me. It's the opportunity. John & Linda gave me a Borders gift card for Christmas, but I didn't see them until the 29th so I didn't get a chance to use it. The next day, I found out I have a $5 certificate from Borders but I have to use it by January 31. Finally, I'll be 40 on the 28th, and I have to be able to buy myself a birthday present, right? So, naturally, I spent last weekend doing some desperately needed housework and have spent this week losing count of the emergencies hitting my desk.
It's January 9. I've finished one book so far, and that involved staying up until 1 am last night (what else am I going to do when I get to the "I can't put this down" last 100 pages at 11:15?). I'd talk about Fox Evil, but right now, I'm just too sleepy.
I know I have a book addiction when my amazon pre-order list goes out to August 2009. :)